
New feature: Share link messages

Date posted: 
October 19, 2022

We've been busy at Litigaze over the last few months working on a heap of new features. Our latest feature drop starts with a simple but super useful way to convey messages to anyone you share your plans with.

Here's how the new share link messages work in 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Create a share link message

You can create a customized share link message from the share menu in any plan.

Step 2: Share your link

Next, copy your share link and password, and securely send them to anyone so that they can access the link.

Note: You can generate new passwords for share links at any time. This means that old passwords will stop working, which helps ensure that your links are kept secure.

Step 3: Reveal your message

Any viewer - like a client or stakeholder - who accesses your share link will see your message before they can review your plan.

You can include any information you'd like people to be aware of when viewing your plan, such as background details or any assumptions you've made when building your plan.